Recorded Live on June 8th
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Worth 1 CE Hours
Deep anterior overbite cases continue to present a challenge in aligner orthodontics as practitioners attempt to level the deep lower curve of spee. For many cases leveling the deep lower curve of spee is the first and very important step in solving other conditions (eg Class II malocclusion). If not successfully undertaken, this will slow down or even stop progress in the entire case.
Dr. Dayan will do a review of the bio-mechanical principles of curve of spee leveling in general, and then demonstrate with multiple cases how to successfully level the lower curve of spee. Solutions will be provided to solve even the most severe cases of deep anterior overbite.
You will not want to miss this!
Dr. Dayan will be delivering this webinar LIVE on Tuesday, June 8th at 8pm Eastern Time with an extra 30 minute Q&A at the end. You may pre-purchase this webinar now by logging into your free YourOrthoCoach.com account and clicking on our YOC On-Demand Library, and all of the information you need to attend live will be emailed to you.
If you are unable to attend live, get access to the 60 min webinar from Dr. Dayan at our YOC On-Demand Library on Thursday, June 10th.
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