Reach Your Highest Potential Through 1-on-1 Orthodontics Coaching

Get Personalized,
Case-Based Coaching By Our Aligner Experts

  • Watch as our founder, Dr. Willy Dayan, shows us a sample coaching case answer
  • Master your techniques by getting hands-on experience case-by-case with an aligner expert
  • Take a look at a lecture from our founder explaining why aligner coaching WORKS!

Our Private 1-on-1 Online Coaching Gives You the Hands-On Mentorship You Need to Reach a New Level of Mastery

Dr Willy Dayan Orthodontist Coach

Watching a lecture can only take you so far…

If you want to get the kind of results you see being showcased by cutting-edge experts, you need something more personalized and hands-on.

You need someone to look over your shoulder and advise you on real cases as you develop your skill and confidence with new techniques – a kind of mini-residency.

Our coaches can give you the 1-on-1 coaching you need in the comfort and privacy of your office – wherever that happens to be.

Learn More About Our 1-on-1 Coaching Programs
Dr Willy Dayan Orthodontist Coach

Announcing Our Newly Added Coaching Services

Treatment Coordinator Coaching

  • Skyrocket your close rate by getting patients to WANT what you know they need
  • Confidently answer tough objections that prevent patients from starting treatment
  • Bring more business into your practice by genuinely connecting with prospective patients
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Case Evaluation Request

  • New option for our Aligner Coaching program
  • Find out if your case can be treated successfully with Aligners before you do a ClinCheck or commit to Aligner treatment
  • Less expensive than submitting a New Case Answer Request
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Monthly Webinars

  • Our coaches will demonstrate their innovative orthodontic ideas & techniques on a live webinar
  • Get a firm grasp on the fundamental principles behind new treatment modalities
  • See real examples of how coaches have treated cases you’d never believe were possible
Next Upcoming Webinar…

“It is interesting that you have to really watch the clincheck, as the technician will sometimes ignore, or not modify as requested. They are technicians and are programmed to provide "pretty" set ups. Until I started to work with Dr Dayan, I was not aware of the need to recognize that we must use our knowledge of orthodontics and mechanics of braces to put the movements and overcorrections in the plastic to get the same desired outcomes. I am a pretty seasoned user of Invisalign, (started in 1999) so it has been disconcerting that I was not really aware of this until I heard Dr. Dayan speak and work with him on my clinchecks. The number of inadequately treated cases overall must be staggering! And, I might add, I have not been slack with my continuing education over these years. What I have learned from Dr Dayan is head and shoulders above what I have experienced from all the speakers and courses I have attend. I have a renewed sense of confidence going forward with my treatments. I highly recommend his service.”

Dr.Michael Simmons

“We are forever students! Even Michael Jordan needed a coach. Dr. Dayan and his video coaching for Invisalign Clinchecks is a service everyone should try. An extra set of expert eyes is a sure fire way to deliver excellent results utilizing Invisalign. Both with the advances in Clincheck along with the video coaching you will see that every case in an Invisalign case! Sign on and have fun!”

Dr. Mark Hatala

“I have been submitting cases to Dr. Willy Dayan for a little while, and thanks to him, I now have a much better grasp of the intricacies of Invisalign. Dr. Dayan's detailed and easy to understand video answers have greatly improved my understanding of what I need to look for when assessing a new clincheck. The ability to start the case with a great clincheck has allowed me to predictably finish excellent cases with very few refinements. I have taken a number of invisalign courses, but none have the same value of what I've learned through these video answers. I am now able to approach straight forward cases independently, and have the confidence to accept more complex cases knowing that I can utilize Dr. Dayan's expertise and knowledge. Thank you! ”Dr.Dr. Dima Oweis“Working with Willy has been outstanding. While I certainly advocate subscribing to his ortho library series to get a very good general approach to treatment planning, there is nothing better that the one on one feedback for individual patients. Especially helpful is the ability to see the amount of over correction or additional "plastic bending" needed to accomplish specific movements. That is better not learned by "trial and error" if you can avoid it! Getting Willy's patient specific answers to my questions and seeing how his ideas work out in a clincheck is one of the best investments I have made to my clinical education in the past 5 years!”

Dr. Todd

“It is my pleasure to write a testimonial regarding the coaching services of Dr. Jonathan Nicozisis. I have heard Dr. Nicozisis lecture on many occasions, have read all of his publications and listened to all of his webinars on Invisalign. Dr. Nicozisis is an innovative thinker and clinician. He has extended my knowledge of Invisalign and challenged me to look at all types of cases in many different ways. He is one of the few orthodontists I have met who fully understands the biomechanics of treating cases with Invisalign to an excellent result. I am impressed with his quick, sharp mind, his willingness to share his own personal cases he has previously treated that are very similar to the one he is coaching me on and his enthusiasm. I highly recommend him, and believe him to be a great addition to the other outstanding clinicians and teachers that YourOrthoCoach has.”

Dr. Joel Gluck

“I can't say enough good things about Dr Dayan and his coaches. They have saved me a ton of headache since I first stumbled my way into the Invisalign field. The videos they make are concise, full of information that's pertinent and are meant to be educational not only for designing clinchecks but also for orthodontics in general. Now with new coaches, and learning from the different approaches make this service priceless.... A well deserved thank you to a group of professional and caring coaches. Hamid p.s I cant imagine my Invisalign career without you guys. ”

Dr. Hamid Rouhani

“I recently had the privilege of working with my colleague, Dr. Heather Hopkins on a pretty tricky case through Dr. Hopkins depth of knowledge of aligners, attachments, and biomechanics is truly impressive. But even more impressive than that is her ability to break things down and make these sometimes complicated ideas start to make sense. She is a very gifted teacher. I'm not new to Invisalign, I have treated over 600 cases. I thought I would just be getting help on the one specific case I submitted. Instead, I had a few moments of clarity where an idea finally clicked on a different level. This one session has already changed how I look at and set up all of my clincheks. I highly recommend and specifically Dr. Hopkins. Whether you are a novice or an experienced aligner user, I know you will find value in the knowledge and skills you will learn. ”

Dr. Ryan Streight

“I want to thank all the coaches at! I truly appreciate all your responses, advice and care that each coach puts into the cases I have submitted. This service has been tremendous for me in terms of my growth and comfort with Invisalign and in turn it has helped me be a better practitioner in general. It has been so beyond helpful and valuable for me to hear from all the top Invisalign educators on a one to one basis to help me plan out my cases or more importantly now, to tweak my cases once I have made all the changes that I thought were necessary. There are always things that the coaches help me with to make my cases track out more predictably. My Invisalign practice has grown tremendously as I feel so much more comfortable treating patients with Invisalign. I thank Dr. Willy Dayan for beginning this wonderful service and to all the coaches who I have had and will continue to have the pleasure of working with. Thank you so very much! Dr. Adena M. Goldman, Orthodontist ”

Dr. Adena Goldman

"I always look forward to attending Willy’s seminars and have sought his input and guidance on almost all of my cases over the last few years. His assistance has been of fundamental importance in my learning experience in the use of Invisalign. Knowing he is available to help treatment plan and to troubleshoot when necessary has greatly reduced my need for refinements and midcourse corrections. Even in cases I feel confident with, his input provides me with another set of eyes and a sense of reassurance in treating my patients. I feel anyone, with any level of experience, would benefit from Willy’s knowledge and expertise."

Dr.Ari Voudouris

"This communication is on behalf of Dr Willy Dayan, a colleague of mine whom I have had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with recently. We first met when I attended a full day seminar of Dr Dayan’s, and I was immediately impressed with his course. As a speaker myself, I am quite critical of other presenters, but I found Dr Dayan to be unquestionably informative, expert and at the same time quite approchable and warm. Needless to say, that day changed much of the way I practice. I continue to be in contact with Dr Dayan, as we frequently call upon each other for advice on patients and such. I have the utmost respect for his abilities, both diagnostically and in his execution. I recommend his courses to anyone considering attending them, and I can state without hesitation that he is an individual with great integrity who has a gift in his ability to teach as well."

Dr.Frank Celenza, DDS

"Listening to Willy Dayan is always inspirational. Willy pushes the envelope to utilize Invisalign to create fantastic results. I thoroughly enjoy learning from Willy because he is a dynamic speaker and teaches Invisalign principles that become ingrained in one's mind. Any opportunity to hear Dr Dayan present is a great gift!"”Dr.Dana Colson“"Dr Willy Dayan is an Invisalign Expert. He has taken the time to master the Invisalign System of tooth movement. I have known Dr Willy Dayan both professionally and personally for over 28 years and during that time I have found him to be not only a brilliant orthodontist, but a wonderful teacher and dear friend. During the course of my orthodontic career, I have had the opportunity to work in many orthodontic offices in both Canada and the US. I can confidently say that Willy is one of the brightest, most leading- edge orthodontists I’ve ever met. He is always the first (and only) person I ask for help with complicated Invisalign case. He consistently obtains superior results in his own practice, due to his in-depth understanding of tooth movement and thorough understanding about the distinct differences between fixed and Invisalign tooth movement. Dr Dayan has and continues to help me obtain great results with Invisalign cases that just a few years ago I would have been forced to treat with fixed appliances."”Dr.Robert A Shapiro, DDS, MS Dip ABO“"Dr Dayan has been assisting us with our Ivisalign cases for several years and I have found his advice invaluable. I would like to commend you on your lectures and presentationsthat I and my associates have attended over the past fives years. Your presentations are informative, easy to understand and memorable. Dr Dayan has been concise, knowledgeable, available and extremely instructive, contributing to our very successful results. We have been enjoying predictable, sucessful results in our practice and this has made both ourselves and our patients very satisfied with our experiences. I would like to thank you once again for you outstanding services, and for all your time and availbility to discuss cases.”

Dr.Robert Polese, BSc., DDS

"I am writing to share my positive experience in partnering with Dr. Dayan to improve my patients' clinchecks and thereby, improve their treatment outcomes. I first encountered Dr. Dayan during a one day C.E. class held a few years ago in Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Dayan showed a wide variety of well treated cases utilizing Invisalign. The cases ranged from the more straight forward cases to the complex cases. The results were beautiful and his teaching was engaging, while his treatment planning techniques were logical. During the presentation he mentioned that he offered a service to further teach orthodontists how to better use Invisalign through improving their initial setup of their patients' clinchecks. He informed us that if we wanted to engage him in this process for certain cases we were contemplating treating with Invisalign, we should utilize his website to establish an account and start the process. As I went back to my practice, I started to encounter cases similar to the ones he had shown us during the lecture that were successfully treated with Invisalign. As a result, I started looking at some adult anterior open bite cases and teen, mild Class II deep overbite cases as ones that I could possibly treat successfully with Invisalign. I disclosed to my patients that I hadn't treated cases like this myself, but that I had attended lectures where orthodontists had shown similar cases that were treated successfully with Invisalign. Armed with the knowledge that Dr. Dayan was willing to help teach me to set up the clinchecks properly to help minimize the problems and maximize the outcomes, I submitted a few cases to him. The updated website is easy to navigate and Dr. Dayan's response times are quick! His video answers are concise and laid out in a way to help teach you so that the next time you encounter a similar case, you can apply the principles you learned the first time around. The first few cases I submitted have since successfully finished treatment and I continue to use Dr. Dayan's help in planning cases today. The investment in his services gives me confidence that I am providing the best care I am able to for my patients and it helps keep my more difficult cases in better control, with few or any midcourse corrections. I can recommend Dr. Dayan and his service without reservation. It's been a terrific adjunct for me and my practice's growing number of Invisalign treated patients!"

Dr.Christopher Pine DMD

"I have attended numerous presentations given by Dr Dayan, and I always walk away with something new. His ability to break a complex problem down into basic elements allows the clinician to understand its application in many situations. Dr Dayan has spent much time and effort gaining an understanding of the unique properties of the Invisalign system, and shows applications that others have claimed cannot be done. Most importantly, Dr Dayan has an impressive inventory of cases to illustrate his vast experience and exceptional skill in using the Invisalign system."

Dr.Aaron S. Lundner, DDS, MS Cleveland OH

“I love having the option of Your Ortho Coach for some Invisalign cases. It is just reassuring on certain harder cases to have a second pair of expert eyes looking either at your ideas or proposing some fresh ideas of his own. I want to grow my Invisalign practice and I'd prefer to make my mistakes in the ClinCheck rather than in the aligners.”

Dr.Charles Ruff

“As a relative newcomer to Invisalign use, I was excited about its potential in my busy practice, but not confident in treating cases to an excellent outcome. Even though I have taken many courses in person and online about Invisalign, I felt like the best way to make a quantum leap forward in my understanding and use of Invisalign mechanics was to use one on one coaching. I discovered YourOrthoCoach and Dr. Willy Dayan. I had heard him speak on several occasions and knew he was one of a handful of expert Invisalign users. Dr. Dayan is a master teacher – his understanding of Clincheck and Invisalign mechanics are second to none. He has patiently taught me Invisalign from the ground up. Starting with the fundamentals of diagnosis, Clincheck analysis, force system and anchorage needs incorporating attachment design and placement, he has taught me the fundamentals and challenged me to tackle more complex cases. This has had a tremendous positive impact on my practice, both in the increased number of new patients and less stress in the clinic during our day. I highly recommend his services to any Orthodontist who is serious about learning to use Invisalign correctly and confidently.”


"Willy Dayan is one of the best speakers I have experienced. His knowledge and teaching style blended with an authentic confidence leaves you with a clear understanding of the material concerning orthodontic care. I came away with many pearls to use in our practice. He was so good that I invited him to speak to my study club in a presentation to GPs with their orthodontist. He is both technically and behaviorally on top of his game for the optimal care that he wants his patients and general dentist to experience. A must-see speaker!"

Dr.Nick D Gravino, DDS, FAGDBay Village, OH

"Willy Dayan is one of the best speakers I have experienced. His knowledge and teaching style blended with an authentic confidence leaves you with a clear understanding of the material concerning orthodontic care. I came away with many pearls to use in our practice. He was so good that I invited him to speak to my study club in a presentation to GPs with their orthodontist. He is both technically and behaviorally on top of his game for the optimal care that he wants his patients and general dentist to experience. A must-see speaker!" ”Dr.Nick D Gravino, DDS, FAGD Bay Village, OH““Over the past two years, I have had the pleasure of listening to Dr Willy Dayan discuss his experiences with Invisalign Treatment at study clubs and at Invisalign’s AskTheExpert Internet Program. His many years of Orthodontic training and clinical expertise have enabled him to successfully treat many orthodontic patients with predictable results and excellent long term prognosis. I also have had the opportunity of meeting with Dr Dayan on a one-to-one basis to discuss his Orthodontic and Invisalign philosophies as they might apply to some of my own cases. All of these encounters have been fruitful and enlightening in expanding my own orthodontic experience. Dr Willy Dayan is definitely an individual who has abundant ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ to share, and I believe those who have the opportunity to spend time with him will truly benefit."

Dr.Richard Schmidt

“I am so grateful for the knowledge I have gained from Dr. Nicozisis through YourOrthoCoach!! I was an invisalign "newbie" and felt like I was way behind the eight ball so to speak. I made a commitment over the last year to learn as much as I could about Invisalign. I wanted to understand the product and be able to confidently offer it to my patients. It's so much more than simply submitting the case and hitting the ClinCheck accept button. If you want the product to work you have to understand it! I still have so much to learn, but could have never gotten this far on my own without his help! I highly recommend his services to any Orthodontist who is serious about learning to use Invisalign correctly and confidently.”

Dr. Chanda Ashley

“Having heard Willy speak on several occasions, he has given me the impetus to step up my Invisalign case selection to a whole new level. Open bite cases, distalization cases and four bicuspid extractions cases are now being done in my office with Invisalign. His coaching is second to none and the way he articulates and rationalizes his approach has really made my outcomes much more efficient and predictable. It's as if I am doing my Invisalign residency with Dr. Dayan and for that I am most grateful. Thank you Willy.

Steve Zombek, DMD

“Willy, I can't thank you enough for sharing all of your knowledge & experience. I am still learning every day as I gain more experience, but could have never gotten this far on my own without my “jump start” in my understanding of how to use Invisalign and what it is capable of treating. With your help, I am already seeing some amazing results, especially with open bite cases. An unexpected benefit is how these principles have helped me look at fixed treatment cases from a whole new perspective. I have especially enjoyed using a combination of limited fixed appliances, followed by Invisalign, using each techniques for their strength. As a dual trained Orthodontist/Pedodontist, I have almost exclusively used Invisalign Teen. Another “surprise” to me is that I am getting far better cooperation with elastic wear. In addition, it seems to me to be an inherent advantage of Invisalign in that the elastics can be worn from day 1 & that due to the discclusion, the results seem much more effective. The only negative, is that being 65 years old, I can retire any time I wish. But since I am learning more every day and seeing more rewarding results, I may have to stick around a bit longer & further postpone my retirement (probably good news for my wife). Again, thanks so much! I look forward to further help as the “adventure” continues. John”Dr.John Barney“I recently attended the Summit in Las Vegas. I highly recommended Dr. Dayan's service to several of my colleagues at the meeting.”

Dr.Michael Simmons

“I have been working with Dr. Dayan for over one year now and cannot describe how much I have learned. I feel much more comfortable with aligners in my practice and my cases are tracking and finishing as predicted. I have definitely learned how to critique Clinchecks, understand attachment placement and communicate with my technician. It has been the best investment I have made on my education. Thank you so much Dr. Dayan for all the information you share. I recommend you to all my colleagues!”

Dr.Ana Benedetti

“Thank you so much Dr. Dayan for your help and inspiration. Your feedback and advice has tremendous value for developing my orthodonic skills.”

Dr. Luca Bastholm

“I really appreciate the case-by-case mentoring I've been receiving from Dr. Dayan and because my ClinChecks are more well-thought-out and because I'm learning SO MUCH that I can immediately apply to other cases. Thank you very much for putting this site and service together! To any provider considering boosting their proficiency in Invisalign by using - It's totally worth it!"

Dr. Anthony Parisek

“Hello Dr Glaser! First let me tell you how great a coach I truly feel you are! This way of looking at cases and describing your preferences and hints is a blessing. I think it holds a great place in the education of clinicians doing this technique. Thank you for your time and efforts! ”

Dr. Pierre Pellan

“Dr. Heather Hopkins has been such a great help with helping me understand effective attachment design and appropriate staging of movements for predictable tooth movement. She makes the concepts easy to understand and encourages you to think through it to make sure you grasp the concepts. I look forward to working with her again and highly recommend her coaching.”

Dr. Jeffrey Kwong

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